- > 29/05/19 AFRICA WITH HEART!
- > 29/05/19 Meeting with Adnan Houdrouge Founder of Mercure International
- > 30/07/18 Mercure international opens its first Kiabi store in Dakar
- > 07/11/17 The Monegasque Entrepreneurs Club in Africa CEMA
- > 07/11/17 The Monegasque Entrepreneurs Club in Africa CEMA
- > 14/12/16 Courir announces four new openings of stores in the Maghreb
- > 05/09/16
- > 05/09/14 A very exciting Challenge sponsored by City Sport in Reunion Island
- > 11/06/14 The 3rd part of the City Sport Trail Challenge of Reunion Island has now been accomplished.
- > 01/04/14 Aldo in France
- > 11/02/14 Reunion Island : The City Sport/LRA/RER Trail Challenge
- > 21/07/13
- > 12/02/13
- > 12/02/13
- > 06/11/12 Fode Daffe, Meilleur Talent du Sénégal
- > 31/08/12 Aldo: un pop-up aux Galeries Lafayette Haussmann et deux nouvelles boutiques
- > 29/08/12 Aldo se lance en pop-up store aux Galeries Lafayette
- > 08/06/12
- > 30/05/12 City Sport é loja desportiva
- > 29/04/12
- > 07/03/12
- > 07/03/12
- > 01/03/12
- > 16/02/12
- > 25/01/12
- > 29/12/11
- > 07/06/11
- > 11/04/11
- > 16/02/10
29 May 2019
At a time when economic relations with Africa developing, the MBN wanted to interview two of the administrators of the Club of Monegasque Entrepreneurs in Africa (CEMA), Frédéric Geerts (Rothschild Martin Maurel), Secretary General, and Johanna Houdrouge (Mercure International), member of the Bureau.
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29 May 2019
Meeting with Adnan Houdrouge Founder of Mercure International
Mercure International is a global import-export company based in Monaco with a strong presence in Africa. Meeting with its founder, Adnan Houdrouge, who created it ab nihilo in 1986.
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07 September 2018
The ultimate interactive adventure for LEGO® fans, BRICKLIVE is coming to Monaco. Following the success of BRICKLIVE Christmas in London’s Saatchi Gallery in 2017, BRICKLIVE Christmas will now head to the Grimaldi Forum to offer fans the ultimate brick-building experience for the entire family during the Christmas holidays. From brick-built Christmas decorations to a dedicated Star Wars Zone, the show is a must-visit for fans of all ages and the perfect way to celebrate the festive season. Visitors can expect an interactive experience, stretching across the Grimaldi Forum. Enthusiasts will be able to explore themed zones and build their way through a unique seasonal journey. From Christmas and creative build zones, through to Minecraft and Galactic adventures, each zone will provide a different brick-based, interactive activity for fans to build their dream creations.
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30 July 2018
Mercure international opens its first Kiabi store in Dakar
This opening strengthens the brand's close partnership with Mercure International in West Africa.
Link to the article29 May 2018
After the first part of the gourmet week of luxury and golf that took place in Mauritius in November 2017 the return session takes place in Monaco and Eze from May 29 to June 2, 2018.
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29 May 2018
After the first part of the gourmet week of luxury and golf that took place in Mauritius in November 2017 the return session takes place in Monaco and Eze from May 29 to June 2, 2018.
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07 November 2017
The Monegasque Entrepreneurs Club in Africa CEMA
The Club of Entrepreneurs Monégasques in Africa CEMA, founded by Adnan Houdrouge, met from 24 to 27 October in Dakar. The opportunity for Monegasque entrepreneurs, politicians and Senegalese entrepreneurs to meet and share their experience.
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07 November 2017
The Monegasque Entrepreneurs Club in Africa CEMA
It is in Dakar that the Monegasque Entrepreneurs Club in Africa CEMA, met from 24 to 27 October. In Senegal, country of heart by Adnan Houdrouge, Monegasque entrepreneurs, politicians and leaders Senegalese companies met to exchange their know-how, compare their experience, information, good practices and build new commercial projects.
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05 September 2014
A very exciting Challenge sponsored by City Sport in Reunion Island
Julien Hoarau finished the “Trail de la Chaloupe” in a 3rd place, confirming his leadership in the City Sport Challenge. His brother, Nicolas, also participated in the race as well as Bertrand Vienne, Product Manager of the brand, and Isabelle, from the race’s winning team, currently leading the Challenge.
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11 June 2014
The 3rd part of the City Sport Trail Challenge of Reunion Island has now been accomplished.
Didier Barret takes the lead of the men’s team. And in the women’s team, Isabelle Lebreton controls the situation.
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01 April 2014
Aldo in France
Mercure International is developing the brand ALDO in France, an assignment brilliantly conducted by Cédric Houdrouge.
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11 February 2014
Reunion Island : The City Sport/LRA/RER Trail Challenge
The event, set up by Christophe Babin, General Manager of City Sport Reunion Island, gathers 1100 participants at the Transvolcano and Tangue Running competition. A great opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the brand in the area.
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06 November 2012
Fode Daffe, Meilleur Talent du Sénégal
Sacré meilleur talent du Sénégal lors du tournoi « The change » organisé par Nike, en juin dernier et relayé par les magasins City Sport, à Dakar, Fodé Daffé n’a pu représenter son pays à la finale, au centre de formation de Barcelone. Le sénégalais s’est vu refuser le visa et a vu ses ambitions partir en fumée. Après cet échec, le prodige du centre de formation de Deggo à Ouakam s’est confié à Rewmi quotidien.
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31 August 2012
Aldo: un pop-up aux Galeries Lafayette Haussmann et deux nouvelles boutiques
Très ambitieuse à l'international, l'enseigne canadienne Aldo avance pas à pas en France. Après avoir mis un pied dans l'Hexagone en 2011, le spécialiste de la chaussure s'est préparé un automne chargé. Dès la rentrée, c'est via un pop-up store que l'on retrouvera Aldo aux Galeries Lafayette Haussmann. A compter du 3 septembre et pour huit semaines, ce sont des best-of de la marque, mais surtout sa ligne "créateur" Rise qui seront mis en avant. L'occasion de présenter les derniers modèles automne-hiver 2012 signés pour la seconde saison par le duo de Preen, et pour la première fois par le designer new-yorkais Patrick Ervell.
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29 August 2012
Aldo se lance en pop-up store aux Galeries Lafayette
Après s’être installée à l’enseigne à Paris, la chaîne de chaussures canadienne débarque en grand magasin avec une boutique éphémère aux Galeries Lafayette Haussmann. Déjà présent à Paris avec des magasins situés rue de Rivoli et au centre commercial de La Défense, Aldo prend ses quartiers aux Galeries Lafayette Haussmann. La griffe de chaussures abordables et glamour met en effet en place un pop-up store qui sera ouvert du 3 septembre au 27 octobre prochain.
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30 May 2012
City Sport é loja desportiva
Os desportistas do pais e os luandenses, em particular, têm agora mais opçoes de compra de material desportivo das marcas Adidas e Nike.
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